Detalle de la tira nº 3759 de The New Adventures of Tarzan, escrito por Roy Thomas. Ya disponible en el sitio web de ERB. Subscribiros para ver esta y muchas otras maravillosas tiras haciendo click en este enlace.
Detail from The New Adventures of Tarzan #3759, written by Roy Thomas. Already available online at the ERB Comic Website. Be sure to subscribe to see this and many other wonderful strips at this link.
Boceto para la tira nº 3759 de The New Adventures of Tarzan, escrito por Roy Thomas. Pronto disponible en el sitio web de ERB. Subscribiros para ver esta y muchas otras maravillosas tiras haciendo click en este enlace.
Layout for The New Adventures of Tarzan comic strip #3759, written by Roy Thomas. Soon available online at the ERB Comic Website. Be sure to subscribe to see this and many other wonderful strips at this link.
Colaboración para la adaptación gráfica de la obra de Bécquer para la Asociación EXTREBEO Cómic. Boceto a lápiz, tintas y coloreado digital. Haced click en las imagines para agrandar.
My contribution for the graphic adaptation of Becquer's work done for EXTREBEO Cómic. pencil sketch and digital inks and colors. Click on the images enlarge.
Boceto, página a lápiz, página entintada y detalle de la tira final a color nº 3757 de The New Adventures of Tarzan, escrito por Roy Thomas. Ya disponible en el sitio web de ERB. Subscribiros para ver esta y muchas otras maravillosas tiras haciendo click en este enlace.
Layout, penciled page, inked page and color detail from The New Adventures of Tarzan #3757, written by Roy Thomas. Already available online at the ERB Comic Website. Be sure to subscribe to see this and many other wonderful strips at this link.
Detalle de la tira nº 3756 de The New Adventures of Tarzan, escrito por Roy Thomas. Ya disponible en el sitio web de ERB. Subscribiros para ver esta y muchas otras maravillosas tiras haciendo click en este enlace.
Detail from The New Adventures of Tarzan #3756, written by Roy Thomas. Already available online at the ERB Comic Website. Be sure to subscribe to see this and many other wonderful strips at this link.
Detalle de mi segunda tira para The New Adventures of Tarzan, escrito por Roy Thomas. Suscribiros al sitio web de ERB para ver esta y muchas más en este enlace.
Todas las tiras están creadas solo para este sitio, añadidas semanalmente y siempre disponibles. Podéis suscribiros por solo $1.99 al mes para tener acceso completo a todas las tiras, o un descuento de $21.99 si os suscribís por un año.
Detail from my second strip for The New Adventures of Tarzan, written by Roy Thomas. Be sure to subscribe to the ERB Comic Website to see this and so many more wonderful strips at this link. All New Strips are created just for this site, added to weekly, and always available when you subscribe for only $1.99/month for Full Access to All strips or at a discount of $21.99/year if you subscribe annually.
Our campaign roared past its $7000 goal yesterday. Thank you all so very much for joining the Apama Nation, and helping this wild and ferocious journey go ever deeper into the realms of the undiscovered.
We've got stretch goals coming soon that will add pages of content to the book, so please continue to share the campaign, and tag friends on social media that you think may be interested.
Here's my hot off the drawing board finished inks for the cover of Apama 10!
Apama The Undiscovered Animal Volume 2is more than 160 pages, and is packed with six—YEAH SIX!—complete issues of the Mane-Man’s never-before-seen adventures! We decided to debut this set like a Netflix series — all at once, and Kickstarter backers get it first!
The award winning comic book, which originally was a spinoff of the indie film Hero Tomorrow, is currently in development as a feature film of its own (which will make it a spinoff of a spinoff,) and now, in the volume 2 collection, an actual horror show musical is thrown into the mix!
Wait, WHAT?!
You won’t believe your ears when you meet Apama’s newest nemesis, the Tap Dance Killer!
This campaign which is literally belting at gunpoint, also includes a Volume 1 option for those who choose to show up fashionably late to the party.
'What Hero Tomorrow Comics is doing is a grand transmedia experiment unlike anything seen from comic book publishers before—incorporating elements of arthouse film, musical theater, and an offbeat superhero series into an enthralling artistic landscape that can be sampled and enjoyed as individual projects or seen as an inter-connected tapestry. In short, f@#%ing brilliant.'
—Chris Hixson, President, Incite Creative
We need your help to make it all happen. Please watch our campaign video and share with as many friends, enemies, and complete strangers as possible. We'll make sure to deliver the goods with the quirky action and bizarre adventure you’ve come to expect fromApama and his ever-growing rogues gallery and supporting cast.
Thank you so much for joining the ApamaNationand supporting Volume 1. We feel like we've reached new creative heights, and can't wait to get these next twisted chapters into your hands.
¡Ya lo tenemos aquí! El boceto para mi primera tira de "The New Adventures of Tarzan". Se trata de una secuela escrita por Roy Thomas de la novela de E.R. Burroughs "Tarzan y los Hombres Leopardo". Copyright de las imágenes: Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.
Haced click en la imagen para agrandar.
Here we have it! The sketch for my first strip of "The New Adventures of Tarzan". It is a sequel written by Roy Thomas of the novel "Tarzan and the Leopard Men" by E.R. Burroughs. Images copyright by Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. Click on the image to enlarge.
Hace mucho que no publicaba nada por aquí. Ya sabeis, las vacaciones…
Os adjunto un estudio preliminar de Tarzan que acabo de hacer. He sido contactado nada más y nada menos que por el mismísimo Roy Thomas y me ha propuesto ilustrar las tiras de "The New Adventures of Tarzan" que él mismo ha estado escribiendo y que han sido ilustradas hasta ahora por el talentoso Tom Grindberg.
No se le dice "No" a Roy Thomas y no se le dice "No" a Tarzan por lo que la propuesta no podía tener sino una respuesta afirmativa y ya me tenéis aquí trabajando en mi primera tira de Las Nuevas Aventuras de Tarzan que será publicada en breve en la página oficial de Edgar Rice Burroughs.
It's been a long time since my last post. You know, vacation… I'm attaching a preliminary study of Tarzan that I've just made. I've been approached by none other than Roy Thomas to illustrate "The New Adventures of Tarzan" that he's been writing and the talented Tom Grinberg has been illustrating until now. You don't say "No" to Roy Thomas and you don't say "No" to Tarzan and that's why the answer to the proposal couldn't be anything but affirmative and here you have me already working on my first strip of the New Adventures of Tarzan to be published shortly in the Edgar Rice Burroughs' official website.
Acabo de recibir esto en el correo. No está mal como regalo de cumpleaños. Se trata de un premio compartido con mis colegas Milo Miller y Ted Sikora por nuestro trabajo en APAMA the Undiscovered Animal que ha sido premiada con el primer puesto en la categoría de mejor novela gráfica de 2015. Es realmente un honor. Muchas gracias al patrocinador Bob Corby y 360 Digital Books.
Just got this in the mail. Not bad for a birthday gift. It's an award shared with my buddies Milo Miller y Ted Sikora for our comic APAMA the Undiscovered Animal which has been awarded the first place in the Graphic Novel category in 2015. It's totally an honor. Thanks so much to Bob Corby and 360 Digital Books who sponsored this.
Un par de páginas pertenecientes a la novela gráfica sobre Bob Marley en la que estoy trabajando. Tinta y color digital en Photoshop CS5. Haced click en las imágenes para agrandar.
A couple of pages from the graphic novel on Bob Marley in which I'm working. Digital inks and colors in Photoshop CS5. Click on the images to enlarge.
Trabajo en curso. Viñeta perteneciente a la página 95 (de un total de 144) para una novela gráfica sobre Bob Marley. Tinta digital en Photoshop CS5. Haced click en la imagen para agrandar.
Work in progress. Panel from page 95 (from a total of 144) for a graphic novel on Bob Marley. Digital inks in Photoshop CS5. Click on the image to enlarge.